About Bags and Packs Industries Ltd.

About Bags and Packs Industries Ltd.

The directors of the company have decided to establish a new factory named ‘Bags and Packs Industries Ltd,’ which is a sister concern of Color Woven Bag Industries Ltd, considering the market demand and existing market supply gap. Bags and Packs Industries Ltd was founded in 2014.

Color Woven Bag Industries Ltd has continuously improved its manufacturing process, logistics network, and material supply management to ensure the delivery of the finest products to our customers. The talented directors of the company have been working in this industry since 2000, giving us a competitive edge. They have traveled and attended training and seminars in Germany, Italy, South Korea, India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, etc., to gain knowledge and expertise in the bag industry worldwide. Their dedication to their work and immense love for their country have driven them to come up with the idea of starting a new project in the manufacturing of color bags, which will ultimately lead to the socio-economic development of the country.

Bags and Packs Industries Ltd. Factory

Bags and Packs Industries Ltd Factory

The directors of the company have decided to establish a new factory named ‘Bags and Packs Industries Ltd,’ which is a sister concern of Color Woven Bag Industries Ltd, considering the market demand and existing market supply gap. Bags and Packs Industries Ltd was founded in 2014.

Color Woven Bag Industries Ltd has continuously improved its manufacturing process, logistics network, and material supply management to ensure the delivery of the finest products to our customers. The talented directors of the company have been working in this industry since 2000, giving us a competitive edge. They have traveled and attended training and seminars in Germany, Italy, South Korea, India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, etc., to gain knowledge and expertise in the bag industry worldwide. Their dedication to their work and immense love for their country have driven them to come up with the idea of starting a new project in the manufacturing of color bags, which will ultimately lead to the socio-economic development of the country.